Monday, August 9, 2021

Homeschool Meals Part 1

 On our kitchen table growing up you would find simple and nourishing meals. There were seasons of feasting and I'm sure my mom would attest to seasons of famine or at least what felt like it. Protein, a vegetable, and a starch were the usual foods that graced our plates and satisfied our stomachs. Mixed into the simple foods were plenty of homemade goodies!  I remember my mom's meal planning system that she used to feed me and my four siblings for years because it worked. She was a single fulltime working mom of five kids and the queen of making meals simple. It consisted of an index card box filled with cards having the name of a meal typed (with a type writer) on the front and all the ingredients needed  on the back. Just before grocery shopping day she pulled out seven of those cards for our weeks dinners and made her list. That was it. I said it was simple!

I'm not sure where the break down happened of making meals simple. Was it the 24 hours 7 days a week ability to watch cooking shows and then buy the cookbooks of our favorite tv chef personalities? Perhaps it was the craze of pinterest where the meals you want to try get lost  in a smorgasbord of boards.... Let me see did I pin that to Family Dinners or Weeknight Meals? Oh here it is on my Hospitality board. Sound familiar? Whatever the cause, finding ways to simplify meals seems to be an ongoing quest and for good reason. Our families want to eat at least three meals a day, plus snacks seven days a week! 

I confess that I used to be a cookbook junkie and would read them cover to cover like I was reading a novel. My favorite section at Barnes and Noble was the bargain books dotted with cookbooks of every kind and for an inexpensive price. I had good intentions of trying out recipes in those cookbooks, but the reality of trying a bunch of new things when I had 3 babies under 4 set in. I was in survival mode and needed fast quick and easy. In other words - simple. I like to cook and I love to bake and I've had seasons where I could play around with food more freely and experiment with new recipes. Right now though is not that season for me. If you are a homeschooling mom of multiple kids than chances are you need simple, tried and true, and nourishing meals as well. 

I have a plan in place for this school year to hopefully stream line meal planning for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks. I'll be sharing a breakdown of how I planned meals and how it actually worked out. 

Rooted in Him,


Friday, February 21, 2020

Homeschool Embraced

Poetry Teatime

I've seen in many social settings, whether in person or online, homeschoolers who are hurt and discouraged by comments and push back they have received for their choices to educate their children at home. That breaks my heart for them. Each one of us parents gets to choose how and where our children learn, it's just that most parents in the US don't even give homeschooling a thought. Some aren't able to and some don't want to. That's ok. I am grateful I live in a community where homeschooling is a pretty common thing so I don’t get too much push back or questioning from others. It’s rare that I don’t run into someone who homeschools, whether full time or using a resource like a hybrid school where their children go 2-3 days a week and the other days they are at home. Many families choose to belong to a co-op that meets once a week. Some of these groups are very parent involved and others are a drop and go style. The options for homeschooling are in abundance, sometimes to a fault. It can be overwhelming with all that is out there. I do feel it is important to know your why.

There is a rather lengthy explanation for why we have chosen this way of educating our children. But do you want to know the simplest reason? Because I want to. Yes, it really is that simple.

When my oldest was born 4 weeks early and handed to me by my midwife, I instinctively began to teach. I knew from the moment he took his first breath I wanted him to know he was loved. As I embraced him in my arms he began learning what it meant to be cared for, nurtured, valued, and appreciated. As I’ve learned more about healing the wounded spirit I can now look back and know that he was actually learning these things from the moment God breathed life into him!

As he spent the next 10 days in the NICU he learned how to nurse and how to drink from a bottle for those times when I couldn’t be there. The first year of his life he learned how to soothe himself to sleep whether on his own or in someone’s arms, eat from a spoon and eventually pick up items with his pointer and thumb, all the while continuing to learn what love is and who the people are who love him.

His second year of life brought us physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, braces for his feet, and learning about sensory processing disorder. In between therapy sessions we practiced with him and he continued to grow and learn. His body was strengthening. My greatest joy, however, was coming alongside and teaching him how to show love and gentleness to his new baby sister!

The next year was full of “busy boxes” and bins of rice and beans, themed of course for the season, holiday, or topic we would be reading and learning about. This kind of learning and exploring would be stage right for the next several years in our home, center stage being books, oh so many books!

When my oldest turned 3 ½ , my little girl was two weeks shy of turning 2 and we welcomed baby brother into the family. Not much changed during this time. I was still exhausted, still changing diapers, still nursing, still correcting and redirecting, still showing what it means to be loving and kind, teaching how to obey, training and disciplining and this was on repeat for what seemed like an eternity. It was also during this time that many other 3 year olds were heading to preschool three days a week. Despite not having the finances at the time, it never once occurred to me to send him to school even for a few hours a few times a week. We were happy with our arrangement, him curled up in my lap to read a  book from the Before Five in a Row manual and doing one of the suggested activities, little sister was happily playing with her “tea” themed rice bin (It would be another few years before she enjoyed just listening to a book without her hands being busy), and baby brother was snoozing away in the swing.

Many families opt to wait until Pre-K for their children to attend school, after all it is free here in my state. But another school year started and we continued with Before Five in a Row and this is the year I added in Family Math for Young Children, Handwriting Without Tears for Preschool, and I added in gentle games and activities to begin learning letter sounds. Now that I had a year under my belt at taking all three kids out of the house by myself we began going on adventures and great explorations to the puddles in the back yard to look for tadpoles, mushrooms, and observe ladybugs... And sometimes we even made it to the library, the grocery store, the bakery, and visited more parks than I can count! We colored and painted, we made homemade playdough and added herbs and spices to make it smell good and give it different textures. We mixed colors together to find out which primary colors are used to make secondary colors, and poured water back and forth from one cup to another for hours! We baked together, each getting their turn to pour in the dry ingredients and to stir. We listened to music all day long -nursery rhymes, Bethel Music, folk, classical, jazz, etc.
I went on a missions trip to Haiti this year so we implemented "Thankful Thursday" and began learning about children from other countries and cultures. We would find these countries on a map and sometimes I would make a food from the country for us to try, sometimes not.
First day of Kindergarten and Pre-K

This now brings us to Kindergarten age for my oldest. Learning together as a family was fun and we had a pretty good rhythm. I wasn't ready to give that up just because he was now 5. Haven't I been the main one teaching him and his siblings for all of these years prior? What were we to do? My husband and I had many conversations about homeschooling and whether it would be a good fit for our family. We both went to public school and turned out alright. I don't have an education degree so could I really handle this? Would they be weird and unsocialized? What would our families think? After quite some time we decided that Kindergarten probably wasn't too different from Pre-K so we would give it a try and like so many others we agreed to take it one year at a time.

I was now an official homeschooler even though this new school year was very similar as the years before. Five in a Row with its 5 star list of picture books was what held my hand that first year. We explored the world with those books all while building godly character. Handwriting Without Tears K and Pre-K along with Family Math for Young Children and Before Five in a Row still made an appearance most days. A scripture for each letter of the alphabet was being memorized as were poems from Poems for the Very Young. Other activities and topics were served on the table.

A Gentle Feast 
Five years later and our ""Family Learning" still has a familiar feel as it did on that first day of Kindergarten. Good literature still stands in the spot light, and yes that does include the greatest Book of all time. Exploring the world through books and the lives of others, learning the "3 R's" through hands-on math, copywork and dictation with a good dose of narration, nature study, life skills, habits, hiding His word in our hearts, poetry teatime, the feast goes on and on. I've used different resources through the years but there has been a steady and a constant throughout all of them. I have learned just as much as my children have, probably more, but on a different level. I have embraced my role as a homeschooler and delight in helping other moms find their joy in walking alongside their children as they learn and explore this great big world that God created for us. I personally don't want to miss it. I don't want to miss the moments that my kids make new discoveries or the moment they get over a hurtle they have been trying to climb. My husband and I are their greatest source of encouragement and support, besides God himself. What an honor it is to get to walk this road with them. This is our story and yours may look different. That's perfectly fine and honestly the way it should be. This space will cover many different topics of how our family has embraced homeschooling and my prayer is that my experiences will be an encouragement to you to do the same for your family.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Favorite Read Aloud Books

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

It's not uncommon to find stacks and stacks of books piled high and low around our house. It's also not uncommon to find someone curled up in a corner somewhere whether that be the couch, a bed, or by the vents in the floor reading one of those great books.  The 9 year old may be reading chapter books such as Heidi or The One and Only Ivan, or perhaps thumbing through a science or history encyclopedia. The 8 year old is working her way through Milly, Molly, Mandy, while the 6 year old is studying every picture in the 15+ reptile books he checked out from the library! Our approach to homeschooling is literature based so reading aloud (and alone) great books is a daily occurrence in our home. There are many excellent book lists out there but I wanted to share our family favorites with you. The list may seem short but these are books that hold a special place in our hearts, the stories that my kids have asked me re-read and to save for them to one day read to their own kids. I'm sure this list will grow but these are the ones that came to mind without really thinking too hard!

Charlotte's Web
Mr. Popper's Penguins
The Wheel on the School
Understood Betsy
The Little House on the Prairie Series
Pippi Longstocking
Peter Pan
Stuart Little
The Trumpet of the Swan
The Wizard of Oz
Sarah, Plain and Tall
Secret of the Andes
A Bear Called Paddington
Boy of the Pyramids
The Princess and the Goblin
The Sword in the Tree
A Lion to Guard Us
The Family Under the Bridge
My Father's Dragon Series
The Secret Valley
Winnie the Pooh
The Bears on Hemlock Mountain

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Oh, by the way I'm Hannah....

There’s not a shortage of blogs written by stay at home homeschooling moms. I think we can all agree on that! So why another one? Because I want to write. My story is different from yours as is my family, how we homeschool, what our beliefs and convictions are, and the ministry that God has called us to. There may be similar things that we do and I hope there are! My prayer is that through my writings and teachings I will be able to inspire you to become the wife, mom, trainer, disciple, etc that you are meant to be; that you will know who you are in Christ and be able to boldly and confidently walk in such a way that not only can you enter into the Throne room of God, but that you will walk with the mindset of John who knew that he was the one whom Jesus loved.

My friend, you are the one whom Jesus loves too.

Too many of us have lived our lives knowing the Sunday school answer that, “Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible told me so.”

But how many of us live our day to day in the identity that I am Hannah, the one whom Jesus loves? (Oh, by the way, I am Hannah, the one whom Jesus loves.  It’s a joy to meet you! Obviously you will substitute your name in that last line.)

What will you find here? Probably a healthy dose of devotions and my personal insights into what I am studying in scripture. My passion for all things homeschooling and creating a life giving home are sure to be staples around here. As I am currently taking herbalism courses  there will be some posts about herbs sprinkled in from time to time as well.

At some point I'll write a get to know me post, but for now this will do. I am a Midwest transplant to the South where I now eat boiled peanuts and grits. I have mastered making homemade biscuits and I say things like "y'all" and "might could". Ohio will always be home to me but the south is where I met my loving husband, Brantley and where we are raising our 3 amazing kids. I guess I could say this is home now too.

So, welcome to my space. It’s pretty simple, not quite minimalist (I like books way too much!). I prefer more of the cozy, twinkling lights, while sipping steaming cups of hot drinks with a good book in my hand in front of the fire kind of feel.

Homeschool Meals Part 1

 On our kitchen table growing up you would find simple and nourishing meals. There were seasons of feasting and I'm sure my mom would at...